I've been waiting for the perfect moment to open my bottle of Colonial Mayhem, brewed in Cumbria last November and hand-delivered to me by some other visiting brewers back in May. That time never came, and so there it sat, until yesterday when I decided that for the sheer joy of still being alive I would celebrate by opening the blasted thing and having a snort. Since my plane ticket to England in November was booked last week, and my Britrail pass arrived on Friday, I suppose I could celebrate that as well.
I know of a number of beery sites that like to give complicated beer reviews. I'm not into that. All I'm going to say is that it poured a bit fizzy, tasted delicious (probably due to pure Millom spring water) and made my barkeep smile (yes, I shared). I understand that a pin of the stuff from a second batch might be stashed away at the brewery for my visit.