Also for the statistics file, by the end of the evening 145 servings had been pulled, making a new pub record. This even beat the best of the visits by the fall fire teams, who will have to strive to do better next year.
London - A Small Cask Snapshot
I was in London last week for a few days and decided on a whim to have one
entire day - or thereabouts - just drinking cask. "Unwise" I hear you say
and ...
2 months ago
Well done!!
But once you, Andrew, Alfie and I get to grips, surly we can beat that?
Surely you recall my recent blog commentary on Oregon's laws about over-consumption and underage drinking. Andrew and Alfie will be closely monitored by our responsible staff.
Now this means that it's up to you and me each to consume 57.5 pints.
Oh, wait, that's over-consumption.
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